About Us
shannan|Y|studios offers a practical approach to audition preparation, beginning with the fundamentals, and progressing to fine tuning and preparing for the audition and eventual performance. Being actors ourselves, we have a personal and functional connection to preparation, and a strong sense of what works and what doesn’t.
The techniques that actors use are very specific and unique to each actor. These techniques serve as tools meant to create interesting, memorable and truthful art. We have been trained in nearly every technique and method out there. And we utilize a number of traditional techniques with proven success, as well as incorporating new techniques and philosophies - all for the same goal - truthful, interesting characters. We use what works and eliminate what doesn’t. Our tools and use of blended techniques give you the knowledge and confidence to Nail the Audition!
Our Philosophy
The artistry of acting is a skill that requires consistent, quality practice, diving deep into character emotional development and connectivity to the story. It’s script analysis and stretching the boundaries of one’s imagination, pure essence and brand.
Our expert team of coaches is driven by the same goal – give our actors the skills and knowledge they need to Nail the Audition. So, whether you’re a brand new actor, have some experience, or just need a workout partner, we are the team who can get you there.